Saturday, October 27, 2012


Noviembre 5, 2012. 



Posibles temas de donde podrás elegir para hacer tu ensayo: 
Tomando en cuenta los temas, podrás designar el comité que te interesa y las áreas de interacción a las que pertenece el comité o tema. 

¡¡¡¡Buena Suerte a Todos!!!!

  1. Alcanzar el empleo pleno y productivo y el trabajo decente para todos, incluidas las mujeres y jóvenes. 
  2. Eliminar desigualdades entre los géneros en la enseñanza y el trato entre hombres y mujeres en las aulas. 
  3. Aumentar y equiparar la proporción de puestos ocupados por mujeres en el parlamento nacional. 
  4. Reducir dos terceras partes para el 2020 la mortalidad de los niños menores de 5 años. 
  5. Lograr para el 2020 el acceso universal a la salud reproductiva. 
  6. Incrementar la tasa de uso de anticonceptivos de ambos géneros. 
  7. Aumentar el Porcentaje de población de entre 12 y 24 años con un conocimiento adecuado y prevención integral del VIH/SIDA. 
  8. Aumentar y proteger la proporción de poblaciones de peces dentro de los límites biológicos seguros.
  9. Reducir a la mitad para el año 2015, el porcentaje de personas que carezcan de acceso sostenible a agua potable. 
  10. Desarrollar aún más un sistema comercial y financiero abierto, basado en normas, previsibles y no discriminatorio. Incluyendo el compromiso de lograr una buena gestión de los asuntos públicos y la reducción de la pobreza en cada país y en el plano internacional. 
  11. Atender las necesidades especiales de los países menos adelantados. Se incluye el acceso libre de aranceles y cupos de las exportaciones de los países menos adelantados; el programa mejorado de alivio de la deuda de los países pobres muy endeudados y la cancelación de la deuda bilateral y la concesión de una asistencia para el desarrollo más generosa a los países que hayan expresado su determinación de reducir la pobreza.
  12. Encarar de manera general los problemas de la deuda de los países en desarrollo con medidas nacionales e internacionales a fin de hacer la deuda sostenible a largo plazo.
  13. En colaboración con el sector privado, velar por que se puedan aprovechar los beneficios de las nuevas tecnologías, en particular de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones. (Celular e Internet).
  14. Aplicación de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas. (Español)
  15. Derecho a una Salud; Educación y Cultura dignos, equitativos y respetuosos de sus propias raíces étnicas. (Español).
  16. Cumplimiento de los compromisos internacionales reconocidos en la Convención Americana y en el Derecho Internacional de Refugiados.
  17. La Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados Palestinos (UNWRA) afirmó hoy que 250.000 residen en Siria y que precisan con urgencia de alimentos y atención médica.

Miss Elisabeht Taboada
Miss Virginia Caballero Slim
Teacher Oscar Ruíz
Miss Esperanza Perez 

Published: Sunday, October 30th, 2012.

PAZ MUN   2 0 13

Table Convocation

Chair, Moderator and Conference Officer

On the present document you will find the requirements you ought to fulfill to apply for any Table’s position for this PAZMUN 2012.

·       English Average               8
·       General Average             8.5
·       Conduct                                9
·       All regular subjects passed during November’s evaluation and committed to pass from now on.
·       Positive Attitude
·       Responsible, committed, effective teamwork skills, creative and inquirer.


The next instructions are for you to write a compilation of Essays based on the following subjects.

Cover (Must include the students’ generals as name, English teacher’s name, Spanish assessor’s name, post you are submitting for and the UNO flag).

    1.     United Nations Organization (5 paragraph Essay).

a)     UNO´s Origin
b)     UNO´s objective
c)     Why are there countries that do not belong to the UNO´
d)     Suggest 5 committees with accordance of an interaction area and justify the connection.
e)     Suggest 5 international conflicts related with the interaction areas and justify the connection.

Choose a Committee proposed by one of the General Secretariat contenders. (5 paragraph Essay)

a)     Explain what the committee is about and the main objectives.
b)     Which area of interaction is this committee related to? Explain.
c)      Why shall we choose this committee to be part of our model?
d)     Explain the main topics. (Ask for a copy of them by mail)
e)     How would you promote the IB profile among your delegates?

3.     Why would you think you are the best option for the post? Specify the post you are submitting to as TITLE.

For Chairs:

a)     Individual Skills.
b)     Organizational Skills.
c)     How you would promote teamwork.
d)     How you would promote the resolutions done in the MUN around your community.
e)     How you would apply the IB profile attributes when leading the Committee.

For Moderators:

a)     Individual Skills.
b)     Elaborate a chart with the rules and procedures with their explanation.
c)     How you would promote the communication of the ideas among the delegates.
d)     How you would communicate the resolutions done in the MUN around your community.
e)     How you would apply the IB profile attributes when leading the Committee.

For Conference Officer:

a)     Individual Skills.
b)     Elaborate an excel book with the details needed for a MUN to be shown to the delegates.
c)     How you would promote the information needed for the students to know everything that it is needed to be done in a MUN.
d)     How you would help the delegates to deliver a better essay.
e)     How you would apply the IB profile attributes when helping your table partners with the organization of the information needed to lead the committee.

For Reporters:

a)     Individual Skills.
b)     Elaborate an Article to promote PAZMUN 2013.
c)     How you would promote the information needed for the students to know everything that is going on dealing with the organization.
d)     How you would help the delegates to deliver a better essay.
e)     How you would apply the IB profile attributes when helping the delegates with information concerning with the organization.

Date to deliver:                                                                             November 8th for corrections
Printed and by mail Final Work                                                           November 15nd, 2012.

Modarator's and Chair's Exam November 16th, 2012. 

Results for PAZMUN 2013   Tables: November 23th, 2012.

Published: Sunday, October 14th, 2012. 

For further information about your topics of interest and committies please send an email to teacher Vicky or your coordinator Miss Elisabeth Taboada.  

Good luck to all the contestants. 

Published: Wednesday, October 10th, 2012.

PAZ MUN   2 0 1 3

& Undersecretary General 

On the present document you will find the requirements you ought to fulfill to apply for the position of the Secretary-General for this PAZMUN 2012.

·       English Average               9.3
·       General Average              9.3
·       Conduct                           9.3
·       All regular subjects passed in Every Months evaluation
·       Has been part of the organization of a Past MUN and/or has participated in an outside MUN.
·       Responsible, committed, organized, fearless, creative and inquirer.

The next instructions are for you to write a compilation of Essays based on the following subjects.

Cover (Must include the students’ generals  as name, English teacher’s name, Spanish assessor’s name, post you are submitting for and the UNO flag).

1.     United Nations Organization (5 paragraph Essay)
a)     UNO´s Origin
b)     UNO´s objective
c)     Why are there countries that do not belong to the UNO´
d)     Suggest 5 committees with accordance of an interaction area and justify the connection.
e)     Suggest 5 international conflicts related with the interaction areas and justify the connection.

2.     Essay about  PAZMUN
a)     Introduction.
b)     Positive views about past MUNS.
c)     Negative views about past MUNS.
d)     Suggestions about external MUNS that you would like to include in PAZMUN 2013.
e)     What are changes you will definitely do in PAZMUN.

3.     Why would you think you are the best option for the post?
a)     Individual Skills.
b)     Organizational Skills.
c)     How you would promote team work.
d)     How you would promote the resolutions done in the MUN around your community.
e)     How you would apply the IB profile attributes when leading the Secretariat.

You will have to hand in a copy of your work and email it by:        October 29nd for corrections
Final Work:                                                                                                       November 5th

Results for  PAZMUN 2013 Secretary General: November 8th, 2012.

Published: October 18th, 2012.

PAZ MUN   2 0 13

Secretariat Convocation

On the present document you will find the requirements you ought to fulfill to apply for the position of the Secretariat this PAZMUN 2012.

·         English Average              9

·         General Average            8.8
·         Conduct                             9

  • All regular subjects passed in Every Months evaluation

  •   Positive Attitude

  •   All regular subjects passed in Every Months evaluation

  • Had been part of the organization of a Past MUN and/or had participated in an outside MUN.

  •   Responsible, Compromised, Team Working, Creative and Inquirer.


The next instructions are for you to write a compilation of Essays based on the following subjects.

Cover (Must include the students’ generals  as name, English teacher’s name, Spanish assessor’s name, post you are submitting for and the UNO flag).

1.       United Nations Organization (5 paragraph Essay)

a)      UNO´s Origin

b)      UNO´s objective

c)       Why are there countries that do not belong to the UNO´

d)      Suggest 5 committees with accordance of an interaction area and justify the connection.

e)      Suggest 5 international conflicts related with the interaction areas and justify the connection.

2.       Choose a Committee from a given chart.  (4 paragraph Essay)
a)       Explain what the committee is about and the main objectives.
b)       Explain Topic A in the world wide situation. Give a briefly resolution.
c)        Explain Topic B in the world wide situation. Give a briefly resolution.
d)        Explain why we shall discuss this topics at the PAZMUN.  

Note: You can ask one to the Secretary-General on the run, to give you one of their chosen committees and topics or choose one from the given chart, plus two possible topics. Any combination in between is permitted.  

3.       Why would you think you are the best option for the post?

a)      Individual Skills.

b)      Organizational Skills.

c)       How you would promote team work.

d)      How you would promote the resolutions done in the MUN around your community.

e)      How you would apply the IB profile attributes when leading the Secretariat.

You will have to hand in a copy of your work and email it by:        October 29nd for corrections

Final Work:                                                                                                       November 5th.

Results for  PAZMUN 2013 Secretariat: November 8th, 2012.
If you have any comments or questions please leave us a message or write us at:

Telephone: 55566646

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